Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Inspired By Nights

I decided that I didn't like the head on my model, it was too basic and I wanted something that was pleasing to look at. I look at my previous reference photo.... 
 and it reminded me of the video game character 'Nights' from 'Nights into Dreams', she had a hat with two 'tails' on either side. I decided I wanted to use her as reference instead. But how?

I looked at many tutorials on how to find a method to create very organic shapes, meaning I wanted to find a way to manipulate the geometry in curving and shaping the basic shapes already there.

 By finding many tutorials and blogs about the subject I was able to create something I was actually happy with. I was also able to update the handle. Before I had lots of shapes making it up, but now I just have one straight shape which means I have a lower poly count.

I unwrapped the model on a UV sheet, I found I had some broken geometry that I needed to fix, but was luckily able to. I took it to a software called 'Substance Painter' where I took both my model and UV sheet and added textures to it. I found unlike my house they didn't distort because the UV sheet was done properly this time.

Here is a very slow turntable of my model after it was textured, I'm very happy with the way it turned out compared to my previous work. I decided that I want my rigged character to open up the jack in the box and be scared by the joker inside, If I will accomplish this I'm not sure, But I will try.

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